Manuscript Submission Guidelines
SAJA is always looking for passionate writers with serious publishing aspirations. If you have a manuscript or proposal that you would like us to consider for publication, we are happy to read and critique it. SAJA accepts both non-fiction and fiction manuscripts in all genres except poetry at this time.The first step in the publishing process is to submit your manuscript by email or in a hardcopy format. This will allow us to determine if your manuscript meets our requirements for publication.

Your proposal submission should include two items: a cover letter and the proposed manuscript. You may also submit a query letter via email to to determine if the manuscript would be of interest.
Your letter should:
  • Provide an overview or summary of the work
  • Describe your intended audience
  • List publications that may compete with your work and how your work differs from other books on the market
  • Include your contact information and qualifications to write in your proposed area
  • Provide the first 3- 5 chapters of your work for review

Preparing Your Manuscript

Manuscripts may be submitted as hard copies (paper) or by email. typed double-spaced, 12pt font with 1-inch margins. Acceptable fonts: Times New Roman, Bookman, Cambria, Garamond, Century, Courier and Perpetua.

The first page of the manuscript should include your page and word counts and whether or not any images will be used in the text. Email your proposal to If you'd prefer to mail the proposal, send it to our business address: PO Box 2383, Stafford, TX 77497. We regret that we cannot return submissions. We ask that you always submit copies of your documentation with your proposal, rather than original versions.

Manuscript Evaluation

Once received, your manuscript will be screened and forwarded to an acquisitions editor for review. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be notified within four weeks of submission.

If you are under the age of 18, you must have permission from your parents to submit your work to us. Please indicate this permission on the first page of your manuscript and include contact information and a signature from the parent or guardian who has granted his/her permission.

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